When Can You Put a Baby in a Walker: The Safe Guidelines


Congratulations on the arrival of your little bundle of joy! Being a parent is full of questions and concerns, and getting the right information is half the battle. One of those questions might be when to introduce your baby to a walker.

Babies are curious creatures, and providing them with a walker can give them greater mobility and let them explore their world. However, safety should always be your priority when it comes to kids’ gear. Just because your little one is willing doesn’t mean they’re ready for a walker.

In this article, we’ll look at When Can You Put a Baby in a Walker and what are some of the important safety considerations you need to keep in mind. Let’s get started!

When Can You Put a Baby in a Walker:

When Can You Put a Baby in a Walker:

When Can You Put a Baby in a Walker: The Safe Guidelines

What Is a Baby Walker and How Does It Work?

Curious about when is the right time for your baby to start walking? Well, if you want them to walk sooner than later, you might want to introduce a baby walker.

A baby walker is a wheeled device that has a suspended seat with an adjustable back and armrests. It’s designed to help babies learn how to walk before actually taking their first steps. By helping them support their upper body weight, and getting them comfortable with being on their feet, babies can learn how to balance and build up the strength in their legs before attempting to stand and take those all-important first steps.

As they maneuver the baby walker around your home, they’ll be exercising their legs while having fun as they explore their environment—they will also be learning how to adapt quickly when changing directions. And because they can cruise around the house at a much faster pace than just crawling alone, your little one will be off on some exciting adventures in no time!

Baby Walker Safety: When Is My Baby Ready?

When it comes to putting your baby in a walker, safety is first and foremost. While this type of activity can help them develop their motor skills and learn how to move around independently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies should not go in a walker until they are at least 16 weeks old.

At this age, most babies have better head control and are more aware of their surroundings. This means that as long as you stay close by and don’t leave them unattended, they should be able to safely use a walker. It also helps if you buy one with the proper features:

  • Choose a wide walker with an adjustable frame so it stays snug as your baby grows
  • Look for one with anti-tip arcs so it won’t tip over when your baby leans forward
  • Make sure there is shock absorption to reduce jarring if they quickly change direction or move too far away from the footrest
  • Preferably, look for one with a brake system to provide extra stability when needed.

All these features combined make for an enjoyable experience that will help your baby get used to walking without any risk involved.

Signs Your Baby Is Ready for a Walker

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that a baby should be able to do certain things before being placed in a walker. Knowing these guidelines is essential for parents so they can ensure their little one’s safety. Here’s what you need to know:

Baby Should Be Able To Sit Upright On Their Own

Your baby should have good head control and be able to sit up straight without support before they can use a walker.

Control Crawling Reflexes

It’s important that your baby has control over their crawling reflexes—if your baby starts scooting on their back or belly, they are not ready for a walker.

Baby Should Demonstrate Balance Skills

Your little one should be able to stand using support such as furniture or walls, and while doing so, show the ability to balance on both feet at the same time. Knowing when your baby is ready for a walker can help them take a big step towards becoming more mobile and independent.

Things to Consider Before Using a Baby Walker

You might be thinking, “okay, so when is it safe for me to put my baby in a walker?” Let’s go over some of the things you should take into consideration before taking the plunge.

Baby’s Age & Size

Start with the age of your baby. Generally speaking, you shouldn’t put your child into a walker until they are at least four months old — and remember, make sure your baby can support their head before you strap them into the seat. Some pediatricians also suggest waiting until your baby can sit up on their own, which is typically around six months old.

The size of your child may also matter when it comes to using a walker. Your little one should be able to fit comfortably in the seat and reach all the way down to their toes while their legs are stretched out. If that isn’t possible due to their size, then you may have to wait a bit longer until they’ve grown enough in order for them to use it safely.

Floor Space

You also want make sure that there’s enough room in your home for your baby to move around in their new toy safely — so if you’re short on space due to furniture or other obstacles near different parts of the wall, it would be best to wait until you can create a larger play area for them. Additionally, keep in mind that these walkers don’t work well on carpets or any type of rug because they tend to get stuck on certain parts of material — so if that’s an issue and you’re having difficulty getting around this problem because of the layout in your home, then perhaps this isn’t the right time for your family just yet.

Tips for Safe Use of Baby Walkers

If you decide to get your baby a walker, there are some important tips that you should keep in mind to ensure that they are always safe. After all, accidents can happen if the walker is not used properly.

Height Restriction

First of all, make sure that your baby’s height isn’t more than the manufacturer’s recommendation for use of the walker. This limits the risk of them outgrowing the walker and causing potential injuries.


An adjustable harness should be fitted correctly to make sure that your baby cannot slip out and fall from the seat. Check it regularly to ensure it is still secure and doesn’t require any adjustments.

Weight Limit

It is also important to check the weight limit of the walker. This ensures that even if your child outgrows their height requirement, they are still within the actual weight limit of the device before moving them into a larger sized device.

When it comes to safety, never forget to double check for any wear and tear on your baby’s walker such as fraying or loose parts. If there are any problems with it, do not use it until it has been repaired or replaced entirely by a certified technician or manufacturer.

Recommended Baby Walkers in Singapore

Whether you’re in the United States, Canada, Australia, or Singapore, you may be wondering which baby walkers are recommended for your child. After all, when it comes to your children’s safety, you just can’t be too careful. In Singapore, there are many baby walkers that are suitable for your child.

Features to Look Out For

When choosing a baby walker for your little one, there are some features you should look out for. These include:

  • Non-skid base – To prevent the walker from sliding on slippery surfaces
  • Easily adjustable height – To suit the height of your growing child
  • Easy fold mechanism – For convenient storage and portability
  • Soft seat with padding – For extra comfort and support during walks

Recommended Baby Walkers in Singapore

Some of the most recommended baby walkers in Singapore include:

  1. Summer Infant 3D lite Convenience Stroller – This lightweight and durable stroller is designed with anti-shock front wheels to provide easy maneuverability when walking. It also has an adjustable newborn reclining seat and extended canopy that offers shade against harmful UV rays and rain showers.
  2. Fisher-Price W6451 Grow With Me Walker – This baby walker is ideal for both infants and toddlers as it can easily adjust from floor play mode to walking mode. It has a 3-position height adjustment and a removable activity tray with music lights & sound effects. It also comes with a durable frame that ensures stability while your child is learning to explore their surroundings independently.

With these recommended baby walkers, safety is always ensured while providing comfort and entertainment for your little one. From 6 months old onwards, these reliable options will help ensure that your child can start exploring their own world safely in no time!


In conclusion, there is no definitive answer as to when you can safely put your baby in a walker. Generally, the best time is when your baby can support their head and can sit up unassisted. It’s important to also assess your baby’s emotional development to make sure they are ready for the stimulation of a walker and be aware of any potential safety risks.

It is essential to always be present and monitor your baby’s activity in the walker. If you’re unsure about when you can safely introduce a baby walker, it’s best to consult with your pediatrician to make sure you’re following the best, safest practices for your child.