Alternatives to Baby Walkers: 4 Better Options for Your Baby


If you’re looking for an Alternatives to Baby Walkers, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find a variety of creative and witty options that will keep your little one entertained and moving.

As a concerned parent, you want the best for your baby’s development and safety. Baby walkers may seem like an easy solution to give your little one mobility and independence, but research studies have shown they can be dangerous and delay development. There are better alternatives that stimulate your baby in a safe, engaging way.

Why you should consider alternatives to baby walkers

While baby walkers are a popular choice for parents who want their babies to be able to move around, there are some potential dangers associated with them. Baby walkers can tip over easily, and babies can fall down stairs while using them. In addition, baby walkers can give babies a false sense of mobility and cause them to delay crawling or walking on their own.

There are a number of alternatives to baby walkers that you can consider, including:

  • bouncers: these seats allow babies to move around while providing support for their head and back;
  • activity centers: these provide a safe place for babies to explore and play while seated;
  • jumpers: these allow babies to practice standing up and jumping while supported;
  • walkers: these provide support for babies who are learning to walk.
Alternatives to Baby Walkers
Alternatives to Baby Walkers

Alternatives to Baby Walkers: 4 Better Options for Your Baby

What Are Baby Walkers and Why Avoid Them?

Baby walkers are devices that allow infants to move around before they can walk on their own. However, recent studies have shown that baby walkers can be dangerous and their use is not recommended.

Baby walkers give babies mobility before they develop the necessary motor skills and coordination. This can lead to injuries from falls or collisions. According to research, baby walker-related injuries account for about 3,000 emergency room visits in the U.S. each year. The most common injuries are skull fractures, concussions, broken bones, and developmental delays.

Baby walkers also do not help infants learn to walk and can delay mental and physical development. When babies are in walkers, they do not get the opportunity to practice cruising, crawling or pulling up to stand – all important milestones on the path to walking independently. Studies show that babies who spend more time in walkers tend to sit, crawl and walk later than those who have little or no exposure.

Rather than using a baby walker, parents should create a safe environment for their infant to learn and practice cruising, crawling and walking. Providing engaging toys, obstacles courses and playpens gives babies opportunities to strengthen their legs and improve balance in a safe way. Once babies can stand steadily while holding onto furniture, they are ready to take those first steps into your loving arms.

In summary, baby walkers are dangerous devices that should be avoided. There are many better options for helping your baby learn to walk that encourage healthy development and maximize safety. Your baby’s wellbeing and growth into an independent walker are far too important to put at risk.

Play Mats: A Crawling- And Development-Friendly Alternative

Play mats offer a safe space for babies to explore and develop essential motor skills without the risks associated with baby walkers.

Spacious and Padded

Play mats provide a spacious, padded area for babies to roll, crawl, and eventually take their first steps. The padded surface helps prevent injuries from falls as babies are learning to balance and walk. Play mats also give babies more freedom to move and rotate without barriers, allowing for healthy development.

Engaging Toys and Activities

Many play mats feature engaging toys, activities, and textures to stimulate development. Things like crinkle toys, squeakers, mirrors, and different textured patches keep babies entertained while helping them develop senses and coordination. Some play mats have piano keys, spinning toys, and other interactive elements to support cognitive and social development.

Supervised Safety

Unlike baby walkers, play mats keep babies on the floor where parents and caregivers can properly supervise them. This helps prevent access to hazards like stairs, cords, and other dangers that baby walkers make more accessible. Play mats are a safer option that gives babies opportunities for exploration and learning with the security of attentive supervision.

Long-Lasting and Multi-Purpose

Play mats typically have a longer useful lifespan than baby walkers. They transition from tummy time through crawling and first steps, providing a useful developmental space for babies 6-18 months and beyond. Many play mats also double as a padded play space for toddlers and older babies. With the variety of styles available, you can find an option to suit your needs and decor.

In summary, play mats offer a secure, engaging environment for babies to develop naturally through each stage of mobility at their own pace and under the watchful eye of parents and caregivers. Compared to baby walkers, play mats support healthy development in a safer way. They are a versatile, long-lasting alternative that provides essential opportunities for supervised play and learning.

Alternatives to Baby Walkers
Alternatives to Baby Walkers

Stationary Activity Centers: Fun & Safe for Babies

Stationary Activity Centers: Fun & Safe for Babies

As an alternative to baby walkers, stationary activity centers provide a safe area for babies to play while also promoting development. These stationary seats or saucers allow babies to spin, rock, bounce and swivel 360 degrees, all while remaining in one spot. This helps ensure the baby’s safety since there are no wheels to roll over unintended surfaces or edges.

Stationary activity centers typically have a variety of toys, sounds and lights to keep babies engaged. These built-in features help develop hand-eye coordination, cognition and motor skills. Many activity centers have removable toy bars with plush toys, rattles, crinkly fabrics and teethers that babies can grab, squeeze and chew. Some even have piano keys, shape sorters and other manipulative toys to help develop pincer grasps and problem-solving abilities.

The seat design of most stationary activity centers provides full back and head support for babies who cannot yet sit up unassisted. Look for a model with a wide, sturdy base, adjustable height positions and a properly sized seat for the baby’s age and size. Be sure to place activity centers on flat, level flooring and never on elevated surfaces. Always supervise babies in activity centers and remove them once they can pull up to a standing position.

Compared to baby walkers, activity centers allow babies more freedom of movement in a safe space. They give babies opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation which aids in development and learning. Stationary activity centers are a versatile, enjoyable alternative for babies and provide parents peace of mind knowing their little one is safe, secure and happily occupied.

Baby Jumpers: Allow Baby to Bounce Safely

Baby jumpers, also known as exersaucers, are a safe alternative to baby walkers. Unlike walkers, jumpers allow babies to bounce and spin in a stationary seat, reducing risks of falls or collisions with objects. As with any activity, supervision and moderation are key.

Stationary and Stable

The most significant benefit of baby jumpers is that they remain fixed in one spot. Your baby cannot move around and potentially tumble down stairs or bump into tables. The jumper seat attaches to a sturdy frame that keeps the baby securely in one area.

###Muscle Development and Entertainment

Jumping helps babies strengthen leg muscles and improve balance and coordination in a fun way. The activity center on many jumpers also provides sensory stimulation with different textures, sounds and lights to keep babies engaged. The jumper allows babies freedom of movement to bounce, spin and jump while also helping them develop motor skills.

Adjustable Height

Most baby jumpers come with an adjustable height mechanism so you can raise or lower the seat to the proper level for your baby’s height and age. Start with the lowest setting for young babies and gradually raise it as they grow to keep them at the optimal level for jumping and playing.


As with any baby equipment, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

•Only use a jumper for short periods, around 10-15 minutes at a time. Too much time in a jumper can be overstimulating or lead to restlessness.

•Choose a jumper with a wide, sturdy base for maximum stability. Look for one with non-skid pads that grip the floor.

•Only allow one baby in a jumper at a time. Jumpers are designed for individual use.

•Supervise your baby at all times in the jumper. Never leave a baby unattended.

•Follow all height, weight and age recommendations to ensure proper fit and safety.

Baby jumpers offer babies freedom of movement and entertainment in a safe environment. When used properly and in moderation, jumpers can be an excellent alternative to baby walkers.

Exersaucers: Give Baby a Safe Standing Experience

Exersaucers provide a safe space for babies to stand, bounce, and play. Unlike baby walkers, exersaucers do not have wheels, so there is no risk of a baby scooting into unsafe areas or tumbling down stairs. Exersaucers give babies opportunities for exercise and entertainment as they develop leg strength and motor skills necessary for walking.

Adjustable Height

Exersaucers feature an adjustable seat height so the exersaucer can grow with your baby. Look for an exersaucer with at least 3-5 height positions to maximize the time your baby can use it. As babies get taller, the seat height can be raised to keep their feet flat on the floor. This helps ensure proper support and balance for your baby.

Activities and Toys

Exersaucers are equipped with a variety of toys, activities, and sounds to keep babies engaged. Toys may include spinning balls, bead mazes, piano keys, and more. These activities help develop sensory and motor skills. Look for an exersaucer with removable, washable toys that can be swapped out to prevent boredom. Toys that light up, make sounds, and have high contrast colors are most stimulating for babies.

Safety Considerations

Exersaucers still require close supervision to avoid falls or injuries. Only place an exersaucer on level, hard flooring without any gaps where little fingers or toes could get pinched. Never leave a baby unattended in an exersaucer. Watch for any signs the exersaucer is unstable or tipping and discontinue use immediately if there are any issues. Only allow one baby in an exersaucer at a time to prevent fighting or pushing.

Exersaucers are a popular alternative for babies who need more freedom and exercise opportunities than a swing or bouncer can provide, but still require the support and safety an exersaucer offers over a walker. With the proper precautions and supervision, exersaucers give babies a fun and safe standing experience.

High Chairs: Let Baby Join You at Mealtimes

High Chairs: Let Baby Join You at Mealtimes

As your baby develops physically and cognitively, a high chair is an excellent option to allow them to join you during meals. A high chair provides a safe space for your baby to sit while also giving them opportunities for social interaction and learning.

When choosing a high chair, look for one that has a wide, sturdy base for stability, a 3- or 5-point harness to keep your baby secure, and straps or clips to attach the chair to another chair or table. This helps prevent the high chair from tipping over. You’ll also want a chair that is height adjustable so it can be used as your baby grows.

Once your baby can sit up unassisted, usually around 6 months of age, they can use a high chair. Place some toys, teethers or board books on the high chair tray to keep your baby entertained during meals. As they get older, give them finger foods to feed themselves, allowing them to explore different food textures and flavors. This helps develop motor and cognitive skills.

Using a high chair during family mealtimes has many benefits for your baby. They can observe you and others eating, learn social skills like turn-taking, and experience the sounds, smells, and community of mealtime. When they get messy, simply remove the high chair tray and wipe them and the chair down. Many high chair trays are even dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.

High chairs are a parenting essential and a safe, engaging way for your baby to take part in mealtimes. Rather than using a baby walker, a high chair provides supervision and interaction, supporting your baby’s development in a nurturing environment. With the variety of affordable options available, choosing a high chair is an easy alternative to baby walkers.

Baby Gates: For Safe Exploring of Larger Spaces

Baby Gates: For Safe Exploring of Larger Spaces

Baby walkers can seem like an easy way to give babies mobility and independence, but they come with risks like falls, pinching, and accessing hazards. Fortunately, there are better alternatives for helping babies explore in a safe way. One option is to use baby gates to block off unsafe areas and create a larger, gated space where your baby can roam freely.

Choose a Wide Baby Gate

For creating a large, gated space, choose an extra-wide baby gate that extends up to 12 feet. Look for a gate that is at least 30 inches high for the most security and install it to block off doorways or hallways. These wide gates allow you to section off a large area like a living room, den or playroom so your baby has more room to move around, practice walking, and play while still being safely contained.

Use Multiple Gates for Large, Irregular Spaces

If you have an open floor plan or other large, irregular space you want to gate off, you may need to use multiple baby gates together. Look for gates that can be installed adjacent to each other with additional hardware to securely connect the gates. You may also want to consider a modular gate system that can be configured in different shapes and sizes. These systems provide maximum flexibility for gating off the space you need.

Consider a Retractable Gate

For easy access in and out of the gated area, choose a retractable baby gate. These gates can be pulled out of the way when needed and retract back into place. Look for a retractable gate that locks when extended for safety. Retractable gates are ideal for spaces where you frequently need to move in and out of the gated area.

Keep Gates Securely Installed

No matter what type of baby gate you choose, be sure to install it according to the instructions to keep it securely in place. Your baby’s safety depends on the gate’s stability and durability. Most gates mount to walls, doorways or banisters, so choose an area with a solid, sturdy base. Double check that the gate is properly latched and locked before leaving your baby unattended in the gated space.

Baby gates provide safe opportunities for babies to roam freely and explore the world around them. By choosing the right gate for your needs and properly installing and securing it, you can give your baby more mobility and independence without the risks of a baby walker.

Your Lap and Arms: The Best Alternative for Bonding and Security

Your Lap and Arms: The Best Alternative for Bonding and Security

One of the best alternatives to using a baby walker is simply holding your baby in your lap or arms. This option provides your baby with security and closeness while also encouraging development.

Sitting in your lap facing you, your baby can make eye contact, smile, babble, and interact with you. Your facial expressions and vocalizations in response help stimulate your baby’s cognitive and language development. Your lap is also a safe place for your baby to sit before they can sit up steadily on their own. You can gently bounce, rock or sway your baby, providing vestibular stimulation that aids balance and motor skills.

Carrying your baby in your arms, whether facing you or facing out, also provides opportunity for interaction and learning. Your baby sees the world from your perspective, staying engaged with whatever you’re doing. Point out objects, name them, and describe them to help build your baby’s knowledge about the world. Your warmth and heartbeat are soothing for your baby. The snuggles and kisses you can provide boost attachment and bonding.

For many parents, holding and interacting with their baby is the most natural and rewarding part of parenting an infant. While baby walkers may seem convenient, your lap and arms provide superior benefits for development. The time spent cuddling and engaging with your baby in this way will strengthen your connection and help your baby thrive.

Some additional benefits of forgoing a baby walker in favor of holding your baby include:

• Promotes feelings of security and comfort for your baby.

• Opportunity for skin-to-skin contact which regulates temperature, heart rate, and blood sugar.

• Easier to gage your baby’s cues and meet their needs promptly.

• Protects your baby from risks associated with baby walkers like falls, collisions and developmental delays.

• Saves space that would be taken up by a baby walker.

• Cost effective alternative as you already have everything you need: your lap and arms!

In summary, holding your baby in your lap or arms is the ideal alternative to using a baby walker. It supports healthy development and strengthens the parent-child bond through closeness, interaction, and nurturing care. Your baby will benefit immensely from the security, comfort and learning this option provides.

Alternatives to Baby Walkers FAQs: Your Top Questions Answered


Baby walkers can pose safety risks to infants as they are learning to walk. An alternative is to use stationary activity centers or playards instead. These provide a safe space for babies to sit, play and stand while developing leg strength and balance.


Rather than relying on baby walkers, focus on helping infants learn to walk through supervised floor time. Place toys, mobiles and other engaging objects slightly out of your baby’s reach to encourage standing, cruising and stepping. You can also gently hold your baby’s hands to help them balance as they are learning. Floor time and hands-on assistance from parents and caregivers aids development in a way that baby walkers cannot.

Playpens and Playards

Playpens, playards and other confined play spaces are safer alternatives to baby walkers. Look for a model with a wide, sturdy base, mesh siding for visibility and ventilation, and extra padding or bumpers for comfort. These provide room for babies to move, sit, stand and play under close supervision. You can also place engaging toys, stuffed animals and other objects in the playpen to keep your baby entertained during floor time and tummy time.

Jumper Seats

For babies that can support their own head, jumper seats or bouncers can be an alternative to baby walkers. These suspended seats allow babies to bounce and jump to help build leg muscles. Look for a model with adjustable height so you can raise the seat as your baby’s legs grow longer. Only use jumper seats for short periods, and never leave a baby unattended. These should only be used under close adult supervision.

Baby Gates

Once infants become mobile, baby gates are essential for keeping them out of unsafe areas. Install gates to block stairways, kitchens, bathrooms, fireplaces and any other hazardous zones in your home. Use gates that are approved for the specific area of installation and the baby’s age and development level. Baby gates provide safe boundaries for infants when supervised floor time and play cannot be directly monitored.

In summary, there are many alternatives to baby walkers that can aid development and ensure safety. Closely supervising floor time, using playpens or activity centers and installing proper baby gates are some of the best options. With patience and the right tools, you can help your baby strengthen their legs and learn to walk in a safe, nurturing way.


The options outlined above are safer, more engaging alternatives to baby walkers that promote healthy development for your little one. As a parent, it’s essential to avoid products that could potentially harm your child or delay key milestones. While baby walkers may seem convenient, the risks far outweigh any benefits. Your baby’s safety and wellbeing should be the top priority. With some simple adjustments, you can create an environment suited for your baby to thrive in. By providing opportunities for exercise, mental stimulation and bonding, you’re giving your child the best start in life. The time and effort you put into their early development will pay off as you witness them grow into curious, active learners.